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Old 08-28-2005, 11:36 PM
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Please, anyone in Katrina's path who can GET OUT, DO IT SOON!
Katrina's winds are 175 MPH or More, that's Tornado F5 speed!
Katrina is FIVE TIMES the size of hurricane Charlie.
Katrina will knock down buildings and blow people away...
Please, if you're anywhere near Katrina's path, get out of there!
Take your animals and old people with you!
The WEATHER CHANNEL says tomorrow morning will be too late!
Be Careful and be safe! GET OUT NOW!

Drive Carefully!
Old 03-12-2006, 01:46 AM
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It's kind of creepy reading a warning that was posted the night before several months later.
Old 03-12-2006, 09:47 AM
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It's even creepier when you consider how many people didn't heed the MANY warnings that weather forecasters had given, and howso many are homeless who were not prior to Katrina's visit.

The Help that Katrina's victims received came primarily from concerned citizens and charitable organizations,whle the Federal Government hasn't been able to assist on a personal level.

It's amazing isn't it? The Fed buys and sends mobile homes for the purpose of housing those displaced, then lets them sit empty in fields and parking lots, while displaced people that had been temporarily housed in hotels are kicked out into the street.

Wouldn't it be great if SOMEONE in the Federal Government would stand up and deal with the problem in a big way? If the Russians needed help, we'd be in Moscow building a new shopping mall! Domestic troubles seem to be a minor concern...

Oh well, enough of the rant. I suppose ifour elected officialsin Washington, DC had the smarts to take action and DO SOMETHING, that they would.

By the way, it is highly recommended that one avoids the purchase of "SPECIAL DEAL" flood-damaged cars, unless one is prepared to resurrect the dead... Severe electrical damage, hydrolocked engines, ruined interiors... Any car coming fromflooded country should be considered suspect.Edited by: LGO-SC2
Old 03-12-2006, 12:10 PM
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Yeah, they definatly had enough time to think about it. My deal on the whole Government/New Orleans thing is kind of mixed. I do think its a shame about the trailers that are just wasting space right now, but thats complete beurocracy for you, and I expect nothing less. One thing that kind of bugs about the Katrina victims is they all seem to expect and demand help. There is no humility in their asking for help. People are far more willing to help when there is a little humility. The way I have heard many people demand help does not make me want to help. Plus, the state government really should have been the ones to support the brunt of those problems. When the May third tornado hit us in OKC, I didn't see people getting on TV demanding the country to help. What I saw was Oklahomans pulling together to rebuild their city. I was in the military at that time, and every citizen became a search and rescue person. We didn't have walmart looters and public gangrapings!!! New Orleans is a different world; look how long the refugees expect to mooch off the government and hotels! Charity is great, but at some point we have to draw the line.

Now that said, I do think its great that a large percent of the help came from private citizens donating to relief organizations. Its too bad that the red cross has been unable to account for so many millions of dollars.
Old 03-16-2006, 01:37 PM
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and the types of people in those two places are the reason why the gov't didnt jump to help, when alot of them wont help themselves.
Old 03-16-2006, 06:16 PM
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I know the federal government may have been slow in helping, and maybe there was some problem in that. But in all actuality, where was the mayor and the governor? Why does everyone want to blame the White House when this really is a state responsibility. What makes me furious about the whole issue is trying to turn it into a race thing. It has absolutly nothing to do with race. I heard on KTOK radio that more caucasian people died in Katrina that black American people. I think that is awful people died and lost their homes and property. I believe that the nation is in no way responsible to these people, but should help out if it can. I just couldn't understand when I saw these people demanding help (chanting "We want help! We want help!) like they were somehow entitled to it just because something bad happened. Well, thats my rant for today...
Old 03-16-2006, 08:37 PM
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Good points, except you forget one thing: FEMA is charged with handling large scale emergencies. It was the local government's job as FIRST RESPONDERS to do what they could, but FEMA was supposed to (and stillis supposed to) provide the bulk of assistance.

This is true whenever the President declares a disaster situation.

Old 03-17-2006, 02:50 PM
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I never heard of FEMA during the May third tornado that wiped out much of my city. When was that organization formed? Its kind of new, right?

Does anyone remember the attitude of New York after the trade center attack? Remember how they were going to fix it, and they were optimistic, and how it made you want to help? It did me anyway. I never saw anyone on TV demanding that I help them. Thats what made me want to help.Edited by: euroc
Old 03-18-2006, 08:56 AM
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FEMA was formed many, MANY years ago. You can read about its history on its .Gov website. The reason for FEMA's existence is simple: Fund a Federal organization with tax dollars collected from all over the country, and you have the capability toreactto massive disasters in a BIG way without running out of money.

However, when the country's administration has other priorities and is dumping large percentages ofthe budget elsewhere, FEMA, like every other agency is going to suffer from cutbacks. HUGE cutbacks in budget, personnel, and supplies were forced upon FEMAduring the early years of the present administration. THIS islikely whatslowed FEMA's response,not incompetency. Realistically, you cannot mobilize responders that you don't have.

Talk about diasters, do you remember the colossal Earthquake that hit California in the 1990's collapsing raised highways so that the top section fell down onto the lower sections, crushing cars?

Now THAT was a disaster.
Old 03-18-2006, 01:48 PM
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It sounds like FEMA was the offical name given to the agency in 1979 by Carter. Before that it was other government sponsored programs that they can trace back to 1803. (according to Its just odd that I never heard of it before katrina. Well, thats the media for you, they will always constantly repeat the news that sells...

Quick Reply: KATRINA - 175MPH - GET OUT NOW!

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