Tower braces.
Tower braces.
Hey dudes. Anyone install front or rear strut tower braces on their SC2 I have a 96 and want to know how much it affects the ride for everyday driving. And if you know which one is the best quality (made in USA, hopefully). Thanks dudes.
Had a few on S-Cars and a few on ION's ......... they do not hurt or help the ride at all, they do very little for handling for everyday driving. You want to tighen that SC2 up a bit, get a rear swaybar if you can find a used one. The rear strut brace did more then the front one. Again you'll have to hit all the SATURN sites and search for a used one cause I do not think they are still being built. If you get a front bar buy a SOLIDBAR not that cheap flat crap bar seen all over the net.